The College of Arts announces the launch of the Ayyam Festival for the Department of Theater Arts Education in its first session


Under the patronage of the President of the University of Diyala, Professor Dr. Tahseen Hussein Mubarak, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Fine Arts, Professor Dr. Alaa Shaker Mahmoud. In the presence of academics and technicians, the works of the Ayyam Festival of the Department of Theatrical Art Education were launched today, Monday, 5/6/2024, in the College of Fine Arts at the University of Diyala, amid welcome and praise from the audience for the theatrical works that were presented during the festival. The beginning of the festival was initiated by the Dean of the College welcoming all attendees according to their title and names. .
The audience was represented by the most prominent academic figures, including Professor Dr. Riyad Shahid, Chairman of the Judging Committee, and members of both Professor Dr. Abdul Redha Jassim and Assistant Professor Dr. Haitham Abdul Razzaq.
It was represented by three theatrical performances produced by the Art Education Department, morning study, and for the first and second stages of the Art Education Department. These were supervised by the assistant teacher, Muhammad Khalis Ibrahim, and they are a product of the practical side of the Principles of Acting course in the first stage and the Acting Methods course in the second stage.
These performances are the play The Good Doctor, written by Neil Simon and directed by the student Atiaf Bashar, the second performance is the play A Cart Full of Cotton, written by Tennessee Williams and directed by the student Rusul Muhammad, and the third and final performance is the play Madmen of the Age, written by Dmitry Basthas and directed by the student Atiaf Abdel Khaleq.
The presentation of the play Crazy People of the Age, directed by student Atiaf Abdel Khaleq, won the award for best theatrical performance for the year 2024.

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