The Dean of the College supervises the examination of the subject of observation and application and emphasizes its importance in the educational process

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Today, Tuesday, April 23, 2024, Professor Dr. ((Alaa Shaker Mahmoud)) Dean of the College of Fine Arts at the University of Diyala supervised the student exam for the viewing and application subject for the fourth stage students of the Art Education Department, in the presence of the Head of the Art Education Department, Assistant Professor ((Hussein Muhammad Ali Hussein)) And the department professors are Assistant Professor Dr. (Ammar Fadel Hassan) and Assistant Professor (Omar Qasim Ali)

The exam included the fourth stage students’ performance of the application of the viewing and application material and their ability to deliver the material to the recipient within the teaching methods.

For his part, the Dean of the College stressed the need for students to develop their teaching skills due to their importance in the educational process, and he considered the school application to be an important basic component of teacher qualification, through which student teachers learn about the educational and pedagogical process in school, and achieve direct experience of specific teaching situations. The school application also contributes to expanding, deepening and consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired during the study in education, psychology and teaching methods, and introducing them to the possibilities of theoretical study of these sciences in solving the tasks of school reality and the possibilities that the application provides for developing the theory itself. The school application also serves to train students on purposeful and organized observation of the course of the teaching process, understanding its components and factors affecting it, and training them on how to plan, implement and evaluate lessons in the two specialization subjects.

The school application aims to achieve the lesson and guide the student to understand the teacher’s tasks and lead him to realize the comprehensiveness of the educational and pedagogical process and the joint influence of the educational and psychological laws in shaping the teaching process. Applying the student teacher’s knowledge in education, psychology, and teaching methods and introducing them to the possibilities of theoretical study of these sciences in solving the tasks of school reality.

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