The Dean of the College honors the top professors in the scientific departments with a certificate of appreciation and congratulates them on this distinction.

With words of congratulation and praise, and in the presence of ladies and gentlemen, members of the Council of the College of Fine Arts, its teachers, employees, and students, Professor Dr. (Alaa Shaker Mahmoud), Dean of the College of Fine Arts, honored the top professors in the scientific departments today, Monday, 3/6/2024, and they are:
Assistant Professor Dr. Golan Hussein Alwan
Assistant Professor. Waddah Hassan Falih
The teacher is Dr. Muhammad Samir Muhammad
In the words of the Dean of the College, during the honoring ceremony that took place in the College of Fine Arts and on the college stage, he said: I congratulate my fellow college professors for their excellence and for obtaining the title of first professor in the department, wishing them more scientific achievements that serve our dear college and university.
He also said that the real reward is a person’s feeling that his effort and efforts are appreciated by others, especially his colleagues at work. I was pleased with this solidarity and cohesion among the college professors as they seek to provide more efforts in various types of academic and artistic fields.
On the sideslines of the celebration, participants in the Fourth Tamza Poetry Festival, May 23-25, 2024, session of the late poet Khaled Al-Dahi, were awarded with certificates of thanks and appreciation in appreciation of their active participation in the success of the festival.
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