The College of Arts holds a workshop on the psychology of beauty

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Sponsored by the President of the University of Diyala, Professor Dr. Tahseen Hussein Mubarak. The College of Fine Arts held a workshop on the psychology of beauty, in which the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Alaa Shaker Mahmoud, lectured today, Tuesday, 5/28/2024. In the presence of ladies and gentlemen, members of the College Council, college teachers and employees.
The workshop, which was held within the College of Fine Arts, Al-Salam Hall, included several topics and objectives, the most important of which was a detailed explanation of the psychology of beauty.
The nature of the aesthetic experience, and the nature of the feelings it stimulates. The nature of beauty and the aesthetic experience and the emergence of intellectual theories of the nature of beauty on the one hand, and tangible beauty and our feelings towards it on the other hand. And how to enjoy it, and this was evident in its confrontation with the origin and development of artistic forms.
The lecturer reviews aesthetic elements and investigates aesthetic responses from a physiological and psychological perspective. Then, we study the aesthetic feeling by linking it between modern psychology and the philosophical theory of beauty.
The lecturer also pointed out that the quality of beauty is fixed and does not evolve, and everything that falls under the category of material and applied purpose, idea, or moral direction belongs to frequency, development, or type. The specific features of a work of art are independent of time. As soon as the fresco and the symphony become elements subject to critical judgment, they also become attributes of beauty. The lecturer also touched on several examples that covered the subject of the psychology of beauty.
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