The College of Arts holds a joint workshop entitled Teaching Strategies in American Universities

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The College of Fine Arts held a joint workshop entitled Teaching Strategies in American Universities. The workshop was presented by Professor Dr. Alaa Shaker Mahmoud, Dean of the College of Fine Arts, University of Diyala, and Dr. Yarab Saad Ali, a lecturer at Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, USA. The workshop, which was held within the College of Fine Arts, the interactive classroom hall, included several goals and axes, in the presence of the ladies and gentlemen of the college’s instructors. The workshop was summarized as follows:
– The structure of the instructor’s work and how to deal with the subject matter and with the students and how to implement the sleep
– How to prepare the sleep (annual teaching plan) and that it is developed in cooperation with the learners themselves
– The evaluation method used is the peer evaluation method
– The learners evaluate each other in addition to the teacher’s evaluation
– The most used teaching method is learning by experience
– Placing the learner in an environment similar to reality and the learner is thrown into an educational problem within this virtual environment and asked to solve it
– The use of artificial intelligence in preparing reports and assignments is one of the types of cheating
Therefore, reports and assignments are written inside the classroom
– The scientific department evaluates the performance of the instructors using the formative evaluation method, meaning that the evaluation is after each educational lesson, and learners are also involved in the evaluation
The professors who lectured the workshop, as they transfer the scientific experience within American universities, said that each university has a network of support systems to help students move On their academic journey successfully. The first place a student can turn to for academic support is the teachers who can point students in the right direction for academic support. Students are also encouraged to actively engage with their professors during class time. Classroom participation is highly valued and can even be a factor in a student’s grade. Participation in discussions and asking questions are highly encouraged and are appropriate classroom behaviors.

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