The Dean of the College of Arts meets with the examination committees of all scientific departments

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The Dean of the College of Fine Arts at the University of Diyala, Professor Dr. Alaa Shaker Mahmoud, met today, Tuesday, 5/14/2024, with the examination committees for all scientific departments within their work sites.
The Dean gave a set of important instructions to the members of the examination committees, which are necessary to take into account for the success of the examination process.
His Excellency heard from the members of the examination committees the most important obstacles facing the examination committees during their work, and His Excellency directed appropriate solutions to overcome these obstacles, adding that it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere and provide all the necessary requirements for teachers and students to ensure the success of the examination process.
For their part, ladies and gentlemen, members of the examination committees welcomed the presence of the Dean of the College on a daily basis among the members of the examination committees in order to advance the scientific and academic aspects of the College of Fine Arts…

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