The Dean of the College inspects the examination halls and confirms that they are kept air-conditioned before the start of the final exams

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Before the start of the final exams for students of the College of Fine Arts, the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Alaa Shaker Mahmoud, today, Tuesday, 5/7/2024, conducted an inspection tour during which he was briefed on the most important measures taken by the examination committees and the Services and Maintenance Division in the college.


During his inspection of the examination halls, His Excellency directed the Services and Maintenance Division to inspect all cooling devices, keep the examination halls ready and air-conditioned, and inspect all electrical and lighting connections to receive students. To be able to take their final exams in an appropriate atmosphere and conditions.


His Excellency also directed the scientific departments and the ladies and gentlemen of the examination hall monitors to provide all means of comfort and calm for our students during the final examination period, and for the examination atmosphere in the examination halls to be far from tension from the hall monitors.


During his tour, the Dean met with the Assistant Dean for Scientific and Student Affairs, Professor Dr. Yousry Abdel-Wahab Mahmoud, calling for the necessity of creating and providing the best atmosphere for students in the examination halls. He also focused on providing the appropriate psychological climates for students and adhering to examination instructions.

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